Practical applications

One tool, many features and several practical applications. See how valuable Sherlock can be for you and your company.

Lean and continuous improvement

Everyday your employees come across hundreds of problems which directly impact your business results. Unsolved problems quickly increase level of workers` frustration. Together with Sherlock you will build the culture of continuous improvement and you will be more Lean!


Suggestion system

Traditional suggestion systems engage only 20% of workers and usually require enormous time for the investments. Sherlock is a ready-to-use solution for reporting and implementing those improvements. It comes together with a web software and mobile application for workers. It is full of intuitive features such as automatic reports, notifications and management panel for admins.

Suggestion system

Traditional suggestion systems engage only 20% of workers and usually require enormous time for the investments. Sherlock is a ready-to-use solution for reporting and implementing those improvements. It comes together with a web software and mobile application for workers. It is full of intuitive features such as automatic reports, notifications and management panel for admins.

Employee engagement

What do people expect from the leaders? First of all, he or she needs to respect the others! A good leader provides safe space to make mistakes and learn from them. He or she gives opportunities to talk about problems and supports all the team in solving them. Workers also expects from a leader to be open for their new ideas and initiatives. Sherlock breaks down the barriers between departments, workers and managers. Sherlock improves communication, gives a sense of having an impact and membership.


Employee innovations

As much as 84% of managerial staff consider innovations as the key to the future growth of their company. However, only 6% of them are satisfied with present innovation level of their organization. Thanks to Sherlock you will unlock the potential of your employees to implement innovative ideas every day!


Employee innovations

As much as 84% of managerial staff consider innovations as the key to the future growth of their company. However, only 6% of them are satisfied with present innovation level of their organization. Thanks to Sherlock you will unlock the potential of your employees to implement innovative ideas every day!


How to effectively engage employees in improvement?

FREE WEBINAR 06 February 2024 | 10:00-11:30 am


06 February 2024 | 10:00-11:30 am