WEBINAR: How to turn employee ideas into real business benefits?
Take part in Bartosz Dlugokęcki's webinar with special guest Izabela Wawrzyniak, Chief Operating Officer from Eubioco.
Take part in Bartosz Dlugokęcki's webinar with special guest Izabela Wawrzyniak, Chief Operating Officer from Eubioco.
Izabela Wawrzyniak
Chief Operating Officer
Izabela Wawrzyniak is a member of the board of directors of Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn sp. z o. o. and Chief Operating Officer of Eubioco. She has more than 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, including as corporate project manager and validation department manager at Polpharma Group. Prior to that, she was head of validation at Mylan and team leader at Adamed Group.
Bartosz Długokęcki
CEO & Co-founder
Sherlock Waste
Co-founder of Sherlock Waste, has been with Leanpassion for 12 years, where he has conducted more than consulting projects for more than 40 companies. Passionate about Lean, continuous improvement culture, technology and innovation, having been involved in these issues for 14 years.
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How to effectively engage employees in improvement?
FREE WEBINAR 06 February 2024 | 10:00-11:30 am
06 February 2024 | 10:00-11:30 am