Program Partnerski

Dołącz do programu partnerskiego Sherlock Waste. Buduj wartość dla Twoich Klientów oraz nawiązuj nowe relacje biznesowe przy pełnym wsparciu naszych ekspertów merytorycznych i sprzedażowych.

Together we can do more

A key element of our Partner Program is a community of experts and consulting companies in the areas of Lean, continuous improvement, HR and innovation.

We believe that with the support of people with experience like yours and with the support of our technology, companies are able to effectively build a culture of improvement.

Support Customers. Grow your business.

Sherlock Waste zapewnia Partnerom potrzebną wiedzę merytoryczną, rozwój kompetencji sprzedażowych i ciągłe wsparcie w jak najlepszym dostarczaniu wartości Klientom. 

Partner Program cooperation models

The Partner Program is designed to scale from the ground up: for individuals, consultants, consulting firms and sales partners. We offer a range of financial and non-financial benefits, including a range of marketing materials, premium support and many other unique benefits.

Join the ranks of companies and experts who are using Sherlock Waste to build a culture of continuous improvement and innovation


Cooperation model For whom? Scope Support Share of revenue
For experts, freelancers and consulting companies in the areas of business consulting, strategy, Lean, continuous improvement, HR and innovation.
Setting up meetings with potential customers
Training in the use of the system, a set of marketing materials, access to the knowledge base and case studies.
For experts, freelancers and consulting companies with the competence and resources to lead the entire sales process.
Comprehensive management of the sales process from meeting to contract signing.
Training in the use of the system and the sales process, a set of marketing materials, access to the knowledge base and case studies. Support at every step of the process.
For experts, freelancers and consulting companies in the areas of business consulting, strategy, Lean, continuous improvement, HR and innovation with the competence and resources to lead the overall sales process and conduct system implementations.
Comprehensive management of the sales process and implementation of the system at the customer's site
Training in the use of the system, the sales process and the implementation model, a set of marketing materials, access to the knowledge base and case studies. Support at every step of the sales and implementation process.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the main questions that come up from interested parties before joining our Partner Program.

We are looking for individuals and companies actively working in the areas of business consulting, strategy, Lean, continuous improvement, HR and innovation. We expect basic competence in these areas, while we are ready to share our knowledge, our experience, and for our Partners we offer a package of product training that presents in detail the operation of our system. 

If you think our business offers are a good match, please send us an inquiry at the bottom of the page. We will contact you to discuss the details. Once we both agree that there is value in establishing a partnership, we will send you our partnership agreement to sign.

Of course, some of our best performing partners are small consulting firms and freelancers.

On average, the implementation of Sherlock Waste takes 4 to 8 weeks and takes 16 to 40 man-hours, which are dedicated to preparation with the client, communication and onboarding of employees.

The system works well for companies in any industry, from manufacturing and logistics, sales companies, stores, shared service centers to financial institutions, banks or insurance companies. The minimum number of employees in an organization should be no less than 50.

Sherlock Waste ma działający i stale ulepszany program cyberbezpieczeństwa, aby zapewnić, że usługi, które dostarczamy są bezpieczne. Program bezpieczeństwa dostosowany jest do standardów najlepszych praktyk branżowych, w tym korzystania z platform chmurowych zgodnych z zaufanymi normami bezpieczeństwa ISO27001 i SOC 2.

Join the Partner Program

Are you ready to join the digital transformation leaders in business improvement? We are! We look forward to receiving your application!

I invite you to cooperate with us!

Bartosz Długokęcki

CEO & Co-founder Sherlock Waste

Fill out the form and send your application

Wysłanie formularza potwierdza zapoznanie się i zgodę na zapisy Polityki Prywatności, a swoje dane do kontaktu zostawiam świadomie i dobrowolnie. Mam świadomość, że mogę zażądać poprawiania swoich danych osobowych, ograniczenia ich przetwarzania lub usunięcia. Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych podanych w formularzu przez Sherlock Waste Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą we Wrocławiu (kod pocztowy: 54-234), przy ul. Białowieskiej 3/4A, NIP 5223160128 (Administratora) celem przedstawienia informacji marketingowych, w tym udzielenia informacji będących odpowiedzią na zgłoszenie.

Jak skutecznie angażować pracowników w doskonalenie?

BEZPŁATNY WEBINAR 06 luty 2024 | 10:00-11:30


06 luty 2024 | 10:00-11:30