4 factors that support innovation in business

Openness to innovative activities, creativity, the ability to think unconventionally but realistically are becoming, in today's economic reality, the most important value of any organization, determining its competitive advantage. Innovation plays a special role not only in improving the quality of products or services offered, but also promotes effective teamwork, interpersonal communication and the learning process. For this reason, they should be an integral part of an organization's efforts. Find out what drives innovation in business.

Last updated: 21.02.2024 

Why does a company need to be innovative? Customers expect more than just another product - they want something new and exciting that will help them solve problems in their lives. They are looking for unique solutions that are not similar to what they know, yet are better than what is already available on the market. This type of innovation can be difficult to achieve without thinking outside the box. The creator of every innovation is a human being, which is why the human factor is crucial in the process of innovation in an organization. 

Table of Contents:  

  1. Why does an organization need innovation?  
  2. What is innovation?  
  3. Types of innovation  
  4. Innovation as a way to stay ahead of the competition  
  5. Factors supporting innovation in business  

        In Article: 

        • To grow efficiently and dynamically, every organization needs innovation. 
        • Companies that are able to create and implement innovations are usually characterized by above-average adaptability, that is, the ability to stay ahead of unexpected events by preparing for them accordingly.  
        • Innovation, therefore, boils down to an organization's ability to find, implement and disseminate innovations. 
        • Due to the extent of the effects they cause, innovations are divided into strategic and tactical. The criterion for division is the time frame in which the changes are intended to be implemented and in which their effects are revealed. 
        • Taking into account the field of human activity, innovations are divided into functional, product, process, organizational, marketing and environmental. 
        • There is a close relationship between all types of innovation. 
        • In this article, we take a closer look at the essence and key factors of innovation in a company. 

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        Why does an organization need innovation?

        Openness to innovative activities, creativity, the ability to think unconventionally but realistically are becoming, in today's economic reality, the most important value of any organization, determining its competitive advantage. Innovation plays a special role not only in improving the quality of products or services offered, but also promotes effective teamwork, interpersonal communication and the learning process. For this reason, they should be an integral part of the activities undertaken by the organization. 

        Companies that are able to create and implement innovations are usually characterized by above-average adaptability, that is, the ability to stay ahead of unexpected events by preparing for them accordingly.  

        Every organization needs innovation to grow efficiently and dynamically. 


        What is innovation? 

        The term "innovation" is very broad, and the term itself is interpreted in various ways. One is to refer innovation only to new technical or technological solutions. In another, innovation is considered to be any change considered to be new compared to the previous state. Colloquially, it is said that an innovation is something new, a human-designed change to some state of affairs, a hitherto unknown way of satisfying a particular need. 

        Today, an increasingly important source of increasing the value of an organization is innovation, understood as a process over time, which is not a single event, but a set of activities. Their beginning is marked by a concept and their end by practical application. Thus, innovation boils down to an organization's ability to seek, implement and disseminate innovations. 

        Types of innovation 

        Due to the extent of the effects they cause, innovations are divided into strategic and tactical. The criterion for division is the time frame in which the changes are intended to be implemented and in which their effects become apparent. Strategic innovations are major changes that involve long-term projects of great importance for the future of the company, as they serve to achieve the company's strategic goals. Tactical innovations, on the other hand, are all kinds of ongoing changes in production techniques, technology, manufacturing methods and work organization. 

        If we consider the field of human activity, innovations are divided into functional, product, process, organizational, marketing, environmental.  

        Functional innovations satisfy new, previously undisclosed social needs. These needs may arise, for example, from the appearance on the market of new technological solutions related to broadly understood access to information and the possibility of its exchange. These innovations are closely related to product innovations, which involve improving a product already in production, expanding the assortment structure with a new product, or introducing new products to replace those already in use, but which better fulfill the tasks for which they were made. 

        Process innovations, also known as technological innovations, involve the introduction of new manufacturing methods that improve production, making it better or cheaper and bringing improvements in working conditions (e.g. automation of the production line, computerization of the quality control process). These innovations also involve changes in the ways companies use to reach their customers with their products (e.g., the use of purchasing software).  

        Organizational innovations are changes that improve the organization of work. Changes in the organization of the workplace can be considered organizational innovation, but also changes regarding management strategy.  

        Marketing innovation boils down to the introduction of a new method of marketing, including changes in the design of the product, the way it is promoted and the pricing strategy adopted as long as it is the first application for that product.  

        Environmental innovations reduce or eliminate the negative effects of a company's operations on the environment (e.g., recycling).  

        There is a close relationship between the types of innovation listed. Product innovation from the customer's point of view is a new product that satisfies a new need or an existing need, but in a slightly different way. In order for a product to satisfy a specific customer need, technological innovations related to how to produce qualitatively better and more functional products become necessary. This is because the innovativeness of a product is evidenced by the introduced construction solutions, the use of new raw materials or new manufacturing technology. These, in turn, are conditioned by appropriate organizational changes, and, as a result, translate into socially acceptable innovations aimed at protecting the environment. 


        Innovation as a way to stay ahead of the competition 

        In an extremely dynamic and competitive market, companies need to create new products, services and introduce cutting-edge technology in order to successfully prosper. An organization that is innovative has the ability to transform creative ideas into useful results. The success of an organization in implementing creative and innovative processes depends on many factors. The issue of appropriate formation of a culture and climate conducive to innovation concerns the appropriate standard of management and the adoption by managers of attitudes and strategies conducive to the innovative activity of employees. This is closely related to the ability to trigger in employees the need to apply innovation in the functioning of the company. 

        Accordingly, it is becoming essential to develop in employees the ability to acquire knowledge quickly and the ability to work as a team. The rapid advancement of knowledge and the associated obsolescence of methods and techniques requires the constant acquisition of new knowledge in order to keep up with innovations. The right atmosphere in teams is conducive to stimulating cooperation, supports the creativity and innovation of employees. Only through the cooperation of all team members is it possible to exchange knowledge and information, share unique knowledge, associate things that are seemingly unrelated, use knowledge from different fields to formulate new and original thoughts and solutions. It is said that creating innovations through teamwork guarantees greater efficiency in innovation processes. 

        Creativity when working together in teams requires certain skills of its members: openness to the ideas of others, sharing knowledge, listening, or effective communication. Therefore, the role of the leader is very important in the formation of the aforementioned qualities. It is the leader who takes action to integrate team members, uses techniques to arouse the creativity of employees, and creates a work environment conducive to innovation. The result of these activities should be the stimulation of motivation and commitment to teamwork, the willingness to reveal the knowledge they have and use it to create new value.  

        In summary, shaping a culture and climate of innovation in a company requires not only taking the right actions, but also shaping the essential skills that are required to achieve innovative results. 

        Factors supporting innovation in business 

        Innovative solutions and out-of-the-box thinking support an organization to succeed in new ways. The market is changing so rapidly that it is often difficult to keep up with everything that matters. What any organization can do is focus on innovation as an effective way to stay ahead of the competition.  

        Innovation in business is supported by many factors. Here are the most important of these: 

        • Quality of work - as the ability to deliver what the company promises and do it well, 
        • Speed - speed in the context of rapid response to customer needs with innovative solutions that meet those needs, 
        • Technology platforms - unique platforms that allow organizations to innovate faster than their competitors, without having to invest significant resources in research and development, 
        • Unique solutions and boundary breaking - the products/services offered by a given company can go a long way in fostering business innovation, as they help differentiate the company from competitors offering similar services/products, but which lack innovation or other distinguishing features, such as higher levels of customer service, etc.; it is also the ability to develop, implement and adapt unique solutions not only in the home market, but also outside of it.  

        Quality of work 

        When a company has quality employees and a good reputation in the market, it will find it easier to innovate in new areas. A good reputation means that customers are more likely to trust it when it begins to launch new products or services. High-quality work also ensures efficient and effective processes. Employees who are in a process of continuous improvement, read: identifying and eliminating waste, are eager to focus on introducing new ideas and improvements.  

        Quality of work, taken care of employees, arranged processes are a necessary factor for the company to innovate and develop in new areas.  

        Speed and creativity 

        In a rapidly changing world, speed is crucial. In order to effectively stay ahead of the competition, companies must be able to respond almost immediately to market changes. Especially since the pace of change has increased dramatically in recent years. If a company does not innovate fast enough to keep up with the pace of these changes, it can just as quickly find itself far behind the competition. 

        An indispensable feature of innovation is to be the first. Each subsequent implementation of a "novelty" is just an imitation, an improved version of the solutions available on the market. That's why it's so important for a company to have an environment that encourages creative thinking and quick decision-making. If an organization is unable to react quickly enough, it falls behind the rest of the stakes and ceases to matter. 

        Technology platforms 

        Technologies are the driving force behind innovation. They reduce the time it takes to bring a new offering to market, allow faster acquisition of knowledge (market environment, consumption of a product or service) and make adjustments on the fly. Technology platforms are a must for any company that wants to expect innovative ideas from its employees. Platforms can also be used for employee development and effective remote working.  

        Unique solutions and breaking boundaries 

        A unique solution has a combination of features that no other company in the world offers. Only when a company is the first to introduce a solution is it unique, and therefore innovative. A sensational support for innovation is an organization's ability to develop and implement unique solutions outside its home market as well. Adapting to the specifics of a particular market or the requirements of local customers also strengthens the adaptability of such a company. 

        In this article we have described just a few of the multitude of factors that support innovation in business. If you want to make sure that your company is always one step ahead of the competition, pay attention to the issue of innovation.


        If your challenge is to create an innovative work environment and your company wants to focus on innovation as an effective way to stay ahead of the competition, contact us >>.


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