Decathlon Poland

85% of employees involved in improvement

Decathlon is an international chain of sporting goods stores offering clothing, supplies, accessories, supplements, furnishings and equipment for 86 sports. Decathlon is also the second-largest manufacturer of items in the industry, with 60 branches in Poland.


Decathlon believes that employees best understand problems in their daily work and are the right source of ideas to solve them. The company wanted to tap into the potential of young, creative employees by giving them a tool to report problems and propose solutions.


Firma wdrożyła pilotażowy test aplikacji Sherlock Waste w sklepie Decathlon Targówek. Celem było usprawnienie komunikacji między menedżerem a pracownikami, umożliwiając natychmiastowe zgłaszanie problemów za pomocą telefonu komórkowego.

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The process of implementing the system

Improving communication

With the app, employees could report problems immediately, enabling a quick response.

Employee training

Training on how to use the platform was conducted so that each employee could effectively report and monitor problems.


reported problems in the first 3 months

0 x

increase in efficiency of supply distribution

Achieved results

W wyniku wdrożenia Sherlock Waste, w Decathlon Polska rozwiązano dziesiątki problemów, w tym:

How to effectively engage employees in improvement?

FREE WEBINAR 06 February 2024 | 10:00-11:30 am


06 February 2024 | 10:00-11:30 am