At Sherlock Waste, we offer integrated solutions that support effective quality management and team engagement. Our functionalities, such as Audits, Boardmeeting and Watson AI, provide comprehensive support in identifying errors, improving processes and generating innovative solutions. With them, you can respond quickly to challenges and achieve better results.
The functionality enables automation and effective management of all kinds of audits, such as 5S, ISO, Safety-Walk and many others. It also enables systematic detection and elimination of non-conformities occurring in the company.
Automation and effective management of various types of audits, such as 5S, ISO and Safety-Walk, for example, and many others. This makes it possible to systematically detect any nonconformities and eliminate them in an organized and precise manner. This system allows you to monitor the situation on an ongoing basis and make the necessary corrections, which helps maintain high standards and improve the quality of the company's processes. The automation of audits leads to a reduction in their duration and enables better results by effectively identifying and removing any deficiencies.
Boardmeetings are status meetings conducted by leaders in a goal-result-kaizen cycle at a specially designed board. Properly implemented, they produce visible results after just a few months.
Watson is a functionality that supports solution generation using artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI. Using ChatGPT's language model, Watson analyzes descriptions of employee requests and additional details provided to answer questions and generate idea proposals. As a result, it helps quickly find the right solutions to problems. And this leads to faster processes and more efficient workflows.
Youniversity is a learning platform created by Leanpassion Ltd. focused on personal and professional development. It offers streaming videos and podcasts on topics such as leadership, management and communication. It features unique content with celebrities sharing their success stories. The platform supports continuous learning through quizzes, notes and practice assignments, encouraging immediate application of knowledge gained. It is designed for both individual learners and organizations, promoting a culture of skills development in the workplace. With short, engaging episodes, the platform facilitates daily learning even in a busy schedule.
„Sherlock waste spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością” realizuje projekt: „Ekspansja produktów firmy Sherlock Waste na rynki zagraniczne.” na podstawie umowy POIR.03.03.03-02-0138/20-00 w programie Operacyjny Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020, 3.3.3. Wsparcie MŚP w Promocji Marek Produktowych – GoToBrand. Celem projektu jest dotarcie z produktami firmy na nowe rynki zagraniczne, w szczególności USA, UK, DAH oraz Bliski Wschód. Całość projektu o wartości: 332 520 zł netto Łączne dofinansowanie ze środków UE: 282 642 zł netto.
„Sherlock waste spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością realizuje projekt pn.„Sherlock Waste” na podstawie Umowy o Wsparcie zawartej w dniu 9 stycznia 2019 roku z Tech-Impact Fund Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Krakowie, Tech-Impact Fund Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością ASI sp. k. z siedzibą w Krakowie oraz Narodowym Centrum Badań i Rozwoju z siedzibą w Warszawie, współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020, Działanie 1.3: Prace B+R finansowane z udziałem funduszy kapitałowych, Poddziałanie 1.3.1: Wsparcie Projektów badawczo-rozwojowych w fazie preseed przez fundusze typu proof of concept – Bridge Alfa.
The purpose of the Project is to carry out research and development work, which will result in the development of a tool - a mobile application permanently increasing the involvement of employees in the improvement of the company (so-called Continous Improvement). The tool will serve to:
How to effectively engage employees in improvement?
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06 February 2024 | 10:00-11:30 am