How to start cooperation with us?

Learn about the stages in which we will respond to your business needs

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4


1h online meeting
  • understanding of needs
  • matching solutions
  • examples and case studies


3h workshop
  • concept development
  • customization
  • implementation plan


1-3 months
  • testing in a selected area
  • implementation and training
  • summary of results


Annual or monthly subscription
  • constant support of the consultant
  • access to the platform
  • quarterly performance review

Stage 1

Understanding your needs

Our priority is to understand your expectations, challenges and goals you want to achieve.

During the meeting, our team carefully analyzes your organization's business context. As a result, we will tailor a solution to best meet your needs. Our main goal is to help you solve the problems that are holding back the growth of your business.

We focus on proposing solutions that not only fit into your strategy, but also bring tangible benefits and support improvement.

’Zrozumienie potrzeb’ to więcej niż tylko pierwsze spotkanie – to początek tworzenia spersonalizowanej ścieżki współpracy, która przekształci Twoje wyzwania biznesowe w realne sukcesy.

duration: 1 hour

Stage 1

Understanding your needs

Our priority is to understand your expectations, challenges and goals you want to achieve.

During the meeting, our team carefully analyzes your organization's business context. As a result, we will tailor a solution to best meet your needs. Our main goal is to help you solve the problems that are holding back the growth of your business.

We focus on proposing solutions that not only fit into your strategy, but also bring tangible benefits and support improvement.

’Zrozumienie potrzeb’ to więcej niż tylko pierwsze spotkanie – to początek tworzenia spersonalizowanej ścieżki współpracy, która przekształci Twoje wyzwania biznesowe w realne sukcesy.

duration: 1 hour

Stage 2

Implementation concept

Drugi etap współpracy z Sherlock Waste to 'Koncepcja wdrożenia’, fundament skutecznego wykorzystania naszego podejścia w Twojej firmie. W ciągu jednodniowych, 6-8 godzinnych warsztatów, skupiamy się na współpracy z wybranymi menedżerami Twojej organizacji, aby stworzyć dopasowaną strategię wdrożenia.

The workshop covers comprehensive planning, from identifying the types of requests and the process for working on them, to developing a strategy for rewarding employee engagement, to the technical aspects. We analyze your needs in detail to ensure that our solution is fully integrated with the unique aspects of your business.

After the workshop, on the basis of a jointly developed concept, we prepare a personalized offer for cooperation. In this way, we ensure that our solution will be tailored to the needs of your company.

duration: 3h

Stage 2

Implementation Concept

Drugi etap współpracy z Sherlock Waste to 'Koncepcja wdrożenia’, fundament skutecznego wykorzystania naszego podejścia w Twojej firmie. W ciągu jednodniowych, 6-8 godzinnych warsztatów, skupiamy się na współpracy z wybranymi menedżerami Twojej organizacji, aby stworzyć dopasowaną strategię wdrożenia.

The workshop covers comprehensive planning, from identifying the types of requests and the process for working on them, to developing a strategy for rewarding employee engagement, to the technical aspects. We analyze your needs in detail to ensure that our solution is fully integrated with the unique aspects of your business.

After the workshop, on the basis of a jointly developed concept, we prepare a personalized offer for cooperation. In this way, we ensure that our solution will be tailored to the needs of your company.

duration: 3h

Stage 3


W etapie 'Wdrożenie Pilotażowe’ rozpoczynamy trzymiesięczną podróż weryfikacji i dostosowywania rozwiązania w realnych warunkach Twojej firmy. Ten kluczowy moment to nie tylko testy funkcjonalności, ale przede wszystkim zdobywanie cennych opinii od pracowników i menedżerów.

For 2-4 weeks prior to the pilot launch, we focus on preparation: we conduct content workshops, instructional training and configure the platform. All this to ensure a smooth implementation.

Once the pilot takes off, our team supports your company in gathering feedback, making improvements and analyzing key engagement indicators. We also implement additional support activities to ensure maximum benefit from the newly implemented tool. 

At the end of the pilot period, we jointly analyze the data, employee and manager feedback, and assess the impact on key indicators. This summary provides a solid basis for making informed decisions about the way forward - whether it's expanding the scope of Sherlock Waste's implementation to more areas of the company, or making additional changes to the way we operate. Our goal is to ensure that every step of collaboration translates into tangible benefits for your organization.

duration: 1-3 months

working-with-engineering-app-2021-09-24-02-48-57-utc-a - from visa

Stage 3


W etapie 'Wdrożenie Pilotażowe’ rozpoczynamy trzymiesięczną podróż weryfikacji i dostosowywania rozwiązania w realnych warunkach Twojej firmy. Ten kluczowy moment to nie tylko testy funkcjonalności, ale przede wszystkim zdobywanie cennych opinii od pracowników i menedżerów.

For 2-4 weeks prior to the pilot launch, we focus on preparation: we conduct content workshops, instructional training and configure the platform. All this to ensure a smooth implementation.

Once the pilot takes off, our team supports your company in gathering feedback, making improvements and analyzing key engagement indicators. We also implement additional support activities to ensure maximum benefit from the newly implemented tool. 

At the end of the pilot period, we jointly analyze the data, employee and manager feedback, and assess the impact on key indicators. This summary provides a solid basis for making informed decisions about the way forward - whether it's expanding the scope of Sherlock Waste's implementation to more areas of the company, or making additional changes to the way we operate. Our goal is to ensure that every step of collaboration translates into tangible benefits for your organization.

duration: 1-3 months

Stage 4

Permanent cooperation

After a successful pilot, we begin the stage of permanent cooperation, in which your company benefits from the full potential of Sherlock Waste. Our team provides ongoing technical and technical support so that each administrator and user can use the system with maximum efficiency.

We are always ready to help - whether through ad hoc consultations or additional substantive training. We understand that employee involvement in improving the company is an ongoing process, so we actively support the development of a culture of innovation in your organization.

Every quarter we do a joint performance review. During this time, we analyze key indicators, listen to feedback and discuss product needs. It's also an opportunity to share the latest information and best practices to continually improve your company's processes and performance. With Sherlock Waste, an investment in continuous improvement translates into real returns and growth for your business.

duration: annual or monthly subscription

Stage 4

Permanent cooperation

After a successful pilot, we begin the stage of permanent cooperation, in which your company benefits from the full potential of Sherlock Waste. Our team provides ongoing technical and technical support so that each administrator and user can use the system with maximum efficiency.

We are always ready to help - whether through ad hoc consultations or additional substantive training. We understand that employee involvement in improving the company is an ongoing process, so we actively support the development of a culture of innovation in your organization.

Every quarter we do a joint performance review. During this time, we analyze key indicators, listen to feedback and discuss product needs. It's also an opportunity to share the latest information and best practices to continually improve your company's processes and performance. With Sherlock Waste, an investment in continuous improvement translates into real returns and growth for your business.

duration: annual or monthly subscription

How to effectively engage employees in improvement?

FREE WEBINAR 06 February 2024 | 10:00-11:30 am


06 February 2024 | 10:00-11:30 am