
York PL, located in Bolechowo near Poznan, is Europe's leading manufacturer in the household industry. It offers more than 600 cleaning products in 75 countries around the world, employing more than 500 people in Poland, Russia and Belarus. In addition to caring about product quality, the environment and the safety of its employees, the company also prides itself on implementing a Lean culture into the organization, which is based on continuous improvement, identifying problems and eliminating them together.


The organization is made up of people. Their commitment to their individual positions contributes to the Company's lasting success. York's Board of Directors, managers and executives were looking for a way and a tool thanks to which their employees could openly and transparently report their problems at work, regardless of their severity and place of origin - it is known that often the small ones contribute to the big ones.
Managers are also keen for employees to have a real impact on the quality of their tasks, which is why they wanted to gain knowledge about how employees would like to solve the reported problems.


W związku z powyższym zostały zorganizowane warsztaty Lean Champions Cup®, które miały za zadanie zaznajomić pracowników z rodzajami marnotrawstw, zainspirować do ich identyfikacji jak i dzielenia się rozwiązaniami. Podczas wydarzenia wszyscy zostali zaproszeni do wspólnej gry symulacyjnej, która wprowadziła ich w tematykę usprawnień i przedstawiła nowe narzędzie – aplikację Sherlock Waste.


The staff focused not only on the number of submissions, but also on their high quality. In the first period, 46 problems and 39 ideas were submitted. A special committee set up to prioritize the submissions decided that 26 of them would be solved later this year, while another 16 required additional analysis.

From the above results, you can see how much value asking the question can bring: What is preventing you from doing your job properly? How would you like to solve it?

Opiekunem inicjatywy Sherlock Waste w York PL jest Dyrektor Produkcji Maciej Jerzak, który w ten sposób opisuje współpracę z Sherlock Waste:

„Dzięki wdrożeniu aplikacji Sherlock Waste nasza firma dowiedziała się o wielu przyczynach frustracji naszych pracowników oraz zyskała wiele pomysłów na usprawnienie działań w obszarze produkcyjnym oraz biurowym”

York's management also decided to recognize the 3 most committed individuals, personally thank them and reward their commitment and openness to the new initiative.


Poprawa zaangażowania i eliminacja problemów dzięki Sherlock Waste

York is a leading manufacturer in the household industry, offering more than 600 cleaning products in 75 countries around the world. The company employs more than 500 people in Poland, Russia and Belarus, placing great emphasis on product quality, the environment and employee safety.


York was looking for a way to increase employee involvement in the process of reporting problems and improvements. The goal was to provide employees with a tool to report problems openly and transparently, regardless of their severity or where they arose, and to allow them to have a real impact on the quality of their work.


Zorganizowano warsztaty Lean Champions Cup®, które zaznajomiły pracowników z rodzajami marnotrawstw oraz zainspirowały do ich identyfikacji i dzielenia się rozwiązaniami. Podczas wydarzenia zaprezentowano nowe narzędzie – aplikację Sherlock Waste.

Processes and action steps

Employee training

Training on how to use the platform was conducted so that each employee could effectively report and monitor problems.

Lean Champions Cup® Workshop

The workshop familiarized employees with the types of waste and inspired them to identify them.

Simulation games

Gry wprowadziły pracowników w tematykę usprawnień i przedstawiły nowe narzędzie – Sherlock Waste.

Achieved results

W wyniku wdrożenia Sherlock Waste, firma York odnotowała w pierwszym okresie imponujące rezultaty:


reported problems


added ideas


problems solved during the year


problems requiring additional analysis

How to effectively engage employees in improvement?

FREE WEBINAR 06 February 2024 | 10:00-11:30 am


06 February 2024 | 10:00-11:30 am